Just recently we noticed that there were large dead pieces appearing in the weeping silver pear, and on closer examination found that there were several breaks in it, mainly at forks, so the chainsaw had to come out again, and more firewood has been gathered for the winter.
We had very strong wind one night recently, but what I think did the damage was the fact that we had a very vigorous rambling rose growing through it, and last year did not cut it back, so the top of the tree was carrying too much weight.
I did not want to lose the rose as it was one that has great sentimental value, being found in an old garden which had belonged to my great-grandparents, which my brother and I had visited a few years ago, and I took some cuttings, of which one grew. I later found that it was called Silver Moon, which a very knowledgable person told me would cover a barn in a season!
So it has been cut to the ground, and will let it grow and flower every year, and then cut it right back.
Purchased my first bulbs for the season yesterday, via the net, and they arrived at the front day this morning before 8.00am! Great service. Too early to plant them yet, so will put them all in bags and they can wait in the fridge until I decide where to put them!
Bought 100 more daffodils as I just love them after a long winter, so cheerful.
Just noticed that the photo of the silver pear does not look all that big, but that was taken 2 years ago, so things had changed a bit!
Will I see you at the Galanthus Gala?
3 days ago
Hello Jean, I have left you a message over on my blog about worm farms:)
I have added your blog to my collection:) Love to see what other gardener are up to in another country.
Thank you for that, isn't it great to be in contact with other people all over the world who have the same interests?
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